Simple Find Commands |

Find . – How to list all files in the current directory and sub directory.

find . -name sed.txt – Search for a specific file by name.
Example Output:


find . -name “*.txt” – find all file that are a certain type.









find . -iname sed.txt – To perform and case insensitive search of a file.

find . ! -name “*.txt” – list the file name that does not match the search pattern. In this case it would be all strings in the file that do not match .txt.

Example Output:














find . -maxdepth 2 -name “*.txt” – find all txt files up to a max depth of 2 sub directories.

Example Output:






find . -mindepth 3 -name “*.txt” – find all files in the current directory with a minimum depth of 3.




find ~johnno/mail/*/{cur,new,.Sent/{cur,new}} -maxdepth 1 -type f = This command looks for all emails that were sent and recevied by checking the cur new and sent folder.

find -type f -name “.htaccess” -exec grep -Hn “AddHandler” {} \;  =Looks and greps for a .htaccess with Addhandler in it.

find ./public_html -maxdepth 1 -name “*php” = find names that end with php and a max depth of 1

find -type f -exec grep -Hi “/home4” -ls {} \; = find and greps out all files that have /home4 in them and then lists them all.